As a leading electrical contractor in San Diego, California, one of our main aims is to ensure that our clients have the resources to save big without compromising their comfort and safety. Reduce your dependency on your expensive local utility service or go off the grid entirely for huge savings by opting for our solar panel installation services.

We install energy storage options for businesses and commercial ventures across California that require them. Besides helping you save a considerable sum from your utility bills, our energy-efficient solar installation solutions can also help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Energy Storage

White Horse Electric offers energy storage solutions for businesses and commercial ventures across California. Our clients have reported substantial savings in their utility bills as well as a drastic reduction in harmful emissions. In our experience, solar solutions help enterprises eliminate their dependency on costly peak hours, making up a large part of their utility bills. With energy storage services from White Horse Electric, you can enhance your energy independence and save money.

Solar Panels

By trusting White Horse Electric with your electrical power needs, you can get custom solutions to ensure you use your profits for productive endeavors rather than utilities. We introduced solar panels into our inventory of services to fulfill this purpose. We do not believe in cookie-cutter solutions. Our in-house team can come up with a solar panel setup that suits your business and power needs

Renewable Energy Solutions

At White Horse Electric, we use only high-quality products to carry out solar panel installation, repair, and maintenance work. Our aim for our energy solutions is to help you increase the value of your property and save big in an environmentally friendly manner. That is one of the reasons why this is such a cost-efficient and secure investment. The renewable energy solutions we offer are designed specifically to help you re-invest in your commercial endeavors.

We understand that adopting solar energy services and solutions can be a challenge at first. With years of experience providing electrical services to various industries, we can answer your queries regarding this energy-efficient solution and ensure you make an informed decision.

It's Time to Choose Solar

Get in touch with us today if you want to know more about our solar services. We would love to meet with you face to face if necessary in order to clarify our services and how we can use them to fulfill your power needs.

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